Discovery XR650-656

LevelFirst Line
Course Length3 days
Course date/sTBD
Cost49,000 SEK/49,000 NOK/40,000 DKK/5,300 EUR (including travel and hotel)
LocationGE Healthcare Institute Budapest
Course idTT002RF
Number of participantsMinimum 4 - Maximum 6


    Course overview

    GE’s Firstline training is designed so that participants get an introduction to the structure of GE’s Discovery 650 series. The course is divided into a theoretical part interspersed with a practical part in which participants learn how to use the system. Participants get a review of the different parts and how they work together. Participants are also taught how calibration of the mechanical parts and the detectors works; we explain simple troubleshooting and which diagnostic tests are available. Back-up and installation of software are also reviewed.

    Theoretical and practical review of the system.

    • Target audience

      Medical technicians

    • Prerequisites

      The course assumes that participants have basic knowledge of X-rays
